random mellwood textures: Pump

random mellwood textures:  Pump
These observations are my aids to navigating the flux of a system organized by a spectral ebb and flow of erratically predictable or, even unexpected and incomprehensible energies.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

despite precautions: best intentions yield success occasionally

patience for the chaos in organization and careful interactions mixed with benign tolerance often disrupt the tendency of civilization to crumble just when we need it most.  then, some days end in tears.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


i suppose ...the premium challenges we face (when we're not distracted by the tools at hand)
are overcoming a natural inclination for novelty and mistaking the modesty of our gifts for a weakness.  
the strength to summon a requisite focus is found by recognizing the limitations of our natural skills.  
it's not talent the great one's have in abundance it's perseverance.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

no man
this is the start of something small.
wrapped by a layer of warm
air and the rumple of cloud 
and black.  in the blue of
milky way night just where
pools of bright myths of
old starlight fall.  fabled labors
and high moments fade to
a trace of scar barely drawn,
it was fresh years ago.  the skin
is grained, a map of time etched
long and deep.  the myths are
enough to glow inside the shadows.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

pardon my skepticism

notes: to an unreconstructed reflection of the life and times...i suspect progress is a series of attitudes shopped out by the sharpest salespeople currently available and marketed with the best human mannequins money can buy.
a wad of bills in a silver clip smelling like pocket lint and palm sweat only spent to soothe the nagging disquiet we entertain about the degraded quality of existence at the moment.

Friday, October 1, 2010

personal assessment: + gray floor mystery

Right, don't take it personal, Scorpio's have a
constant furrowed brow. Thinking hard about how to
sting yo' butt. It's just the way it is.

I remember that Reynolds Building floor paint job was
done at world record pace, and Sweet always wondered
if we sanded first.

I've learned from all the leases I've gone through
that lawyering is about language and how to manipulate
language to make it impossible for anyone but another
lawyer to understand. "Please sir hit me again," and
you are in the club... next thing you know you're a
