random mellwood textures: Pump

random mellwood textures:  Pump
These observations are my aids to navigating the flux of a system organized by a spectral ebb and flow of erratically predictable or, even unexpected and incomprehensible energies.


Friday, September 17, 2010

excerpt ie. WHY - Deportment: + Caution:

some why's are merely explanations.
the useful why's derive from a logical and reasoned investigation.
silent corollary:  differentiate and use accordingly

a mistake (or error in action) - unintentional (a lapse). - a pardonable offense.

misdeed - an intentional transgression. - requires at least a sincere
civilized people of impeccable manners pardon or, excuse themselves when in error.
an apology is seldom required except under the most embarrassing circumstances. . especially in the workplace. 
silent corollary:  because they know how to behave at all times.

unless you are attending a funeral or an operation (medical)..there are still bigger fish to fry.
wear it lightly and try to stay out of the way, it's not about you.
silent corollary:  we're adults not adult sized children - so, let's act like it.
 simple enough_

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